A to Z Challenge: Holy Ho Ho Ho, Homeo (H)

Holistic and Homeopathic Medicine – Two potentially harmful forms of alternative health practices that often reject science. Common forms that are worth $200-million in the USA and are quite popular in Europe. One lady I know checked with her alternative expert to see if what her bladder cancer doctor was doing was ok. When she asked her MD about what the alternative expert had prescribed, he told her that mixing the two medications could be deadly, a pharmaceutical fact of which the alternative expert was unaware.

Houris – is what the 72 beautiful black-eyed virgins (or, depending on the translation, raisins; or whatever) that are waiting for you in Paradise are called, if you happen to be of the religious/political persuasion (presumably male) and a terrorist who commits murder and suicide in the name of Islam or Allah. Picture Jeff Dunham’s Achmed the Dead Terrorist sitting there holding raisins, “Holy shit. I blew myself up for a bunch of f-ing raisins?”

Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic states – are the mental transition states of semiconsciousness that is for some people a time of visual and auditory hallucinations. The first is between being awake and falling asleep (log tripping time for me). The second is between sleeping and waking up. The latter is also the time when sleep paralysis occurs (a real thing often occurring in people with narcolepsy) and alien abductions tend to happen (maybe not so real, but the condition is associated with them).

Holocaust Denial – Many factual historical events are denied. This one is on the same plane with denial of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Both revolting denials for selfish political and fascist reasons.

Holy Shit – is neither. Why do we call amazing stuff holy when it has nothing to do with the meaning of the word? Like holy cow, holy smokes, and I’ve heard holy fuck (blessed intercourse?). These exclamations remain in constant use. While we all know exactly what is intended, the choice of phrase is illogical. Holy-moly.


Who’s willing to tell him that he is 30 short?

4 thoughts on “A to Z Challenge: Holy Ho Ho Ho, Homeo (H)

  1. I’m enjoying reading these. 🙂

    Homeopathy… People get this confused with natural medicine, I think. The smoke it, smell it, give-yourself-an-enema-with-it crowd is a bit different than naturopathy.

    My naturopath is an MD. She is well versed in pharmaceuticals and has always steered me correctly (I’m paranoid so I always triple check) with her recommendations. I now use a combination of western medicine and naturopathic solutions to prevent and manage my migraines. 🙂

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    1. My conscern is rejection of real medical science by neglect or cause. Being careful is no being paranoid (IMO). I often use ‘home remedies or OTC things before I doctor up. I exercise for health, but diet and exercise have not prevented heart disease, cancer, or peripheral artery disease. I will not live forever no matter who does what. Thanks for your input. I do not disagree with your approach. If anything, I endorse it.


  2. Hehe!
    Love the falling asleep twilight area of the brain. Such a delicious time of imagination.
    I have experienced sleep paralysis and it’s scary, like holy fuck scary. My youngest has it from time to time, too.
    I will one day write about homeopathic stuff. I love homeopathic stuff THAT MY DRS APPROVE OF, especially the ones that they say, “We dunno how it works, but people say it does, and it can’t hurt.” But ya gotta ask a doctor/pharmacist, can’t just be mixin it up. *shakes head*

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